Worship at the Michael Job Centre

From Sept 2008 at the Michael Job Centre, near Boat Lake Sular, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu India.


The Joy Tears Saturday Morning,

The day starts early here at the Michael Job Center for Orphan Girls.

The wake-up alarm sounds at 05:00 every morning. Now for those of you who know me, that’s not an issue – I’m usually up before 5 but for others – WOW that’s early. These girls are up, dressed and have run to be at the Chapel for morning services by 5:45. Then the singing starts, and oh what singing it is. From the youngest to the oldest, I hear hymns of true praise to our Lord. Worship starts early here at MJC.

Yesterday morning I witnessed something truly amazing. Let me share it with you. It was just before 6 in the morning, the girls were probably in their 3rd or 4th song. There were lights on in the Chapel (it was still very dark outside). They use a good sound system to amplify the musical instruments and the leader’s microphones. They project the lyrics on the wall so they know what to sing. They were just starting the 3rd verse of “How Great Thou Art” and it was awe-inspiring.

Then suddenly the electricity went off. The keyboards went silent. The percussion equipment was mute. All the microphones died as the projector went dark. Cavernous darkness enveloped us all as the Church went totally pitch black. I couldn’t see my hand in front of me. Then I heard them. I heard them singing “That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died, to take away my sin” And they were twice as loud; their sound was twice as beautiful, they were twice as wonderful as when I could see those angels just moments before. I listened, amazed and spellbound in the darkness as they sang. What singing it was! Then I realized, as they sang the words by heart, the projector was for me, not them. They knew every word.

Can you imagine being 4 years old, your father and mother killed for being Christ-followers, living in a strange land with a language you don’t know, standing in a choir at 6 in the morning and suddenly you’re in total darkness? What would you have done – cowered back in fear? They sang! They sang “And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart!”

When I started as Chaplain for the American Legion I asked Tina to buy me some plain men’s handkerchiefs. I knew I’d be going to funerals. She asked why I needed them. I told her, “For the crying times ahead.” I was right. I should have brought some with me for these joyful tears. As the most blessed man I know. Signing off from Coimbatore.

Neighor Tom