Chief Chairman Chaplain Neighbor


I’ve had quite a few titles in my life. The first one of significance was Chief.

After completion of US Army Helicopter Flight School (towards the end of the Vietnam war) I was promoted to Warrant Officer.  After a few years of experience I was once again promoted to Chief Warrant Officer in the late 1970’s.  So my first title was Chief.


After the military, I went into the information technology business and started a few software companies. Two of them were notable, Sysops and Nsite. I shared a partner in both of them who was incredibly patient because he had to put up with me for several decades. 

We would take turns taking significant titles in the business. One year he was President, the next I was. It really didn’t make much difference. We were equal partners in the business. I was blessed to have him as a partner and a best friend, still do. One year at Nsite LLC, I was the Chairman of the Board. That’s probably the highest title I earned in the business realm –  Chairman.


Over my lifetime I’ve been called a lot of different things. Most of them we won’t mention here but in 2007, prior to going as a missionary to India, I was honored to be ordained by the UCFM and picked up a new title – Chaplain


But now I aspire to a new title.  I believe in my life, the highest appellation I can achieve is Neighbor. You see, my Boss, when asked: Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.

So you see, if you call me Neighbor that means I’m your Neighbor and if I’m your Neighbor I’m called to love you.  

Thanks for listening to these humble ramblings. 

With All My Love

Neighbor Tom